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5 Warnings Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Each relationship has its ups and downs, and both partners will grow through their link. And sometimes, these highs and lows of relationships become emotionally abusive. Emotional abuse is difficult to recognize and can deeply damage your soul.

Here are 5 Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship:

Isolation of The People You Love

Isolation of The People

You isolate yourself more and more from the people you love. This can start slowly and subtly: it is possible that your partner has required all your attention and has convinced you in a flattering way to spend all your time with him and his friends. Perhaps, he or she speaks insultingly or contemptuously about their friends and family, and they never seem to be "good enough" in the eyes of their partner. Your family and your friends are an essential part of your life and love includes accepting your friends and family as they are. If you suddenly notice that you have lost contact with most of your friends, then this is a warning sign that you are going in the wrong direction.

The Jealous Behavior of Your Partner Limits You

Jealous Behavior of Your Partner

Jealousy is an emotion and your partner is responsible for managing their emotions. If your partner feels jealous, you should explore the emotion more deeply and understand its causes. It becomes a warning signal if your partner uses jealousy to control it and prevent you from doing the things you love and enjoy. Do not find excuses for their jealous behavior and do not feel flattered about it. Jealousy is not love and in a healthy relationship you must have the freedom to do what you enjoy.

View Additionally: Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Insults and Depreciation

Insults and Depreciation

Instead of expressing your appreciation for you, your partner says things like "You're lazy" or "You're fat." Or your partner doubts your abilities to meet your goals and talks about you in such a way that you feel dismissed or embarrassed. It is a warning sign if your partner repeatedly talks about you in a negative way. Do not try to bleach this problem. I have experienced it myself and the words that my partner used left a deep mark on my heart, more than I wanted to admit when it Happened.



No matter what is happening, you are responsible for all the bad things that are happening in your partner's life. This guilt can be completely irrational, and you may feel very confused about what is happening. It is a warning signal if your partner blames you all the time or if you feel constantly guilty.

Learn Also About: Toxic Relationship

Fight Continuous

Fight Continuous

A relationship consists of two people who have different needs and wants. It requires communication to create solutions that meet the needs of both partners. These solutions need honesty, negotiation and creativity. If your conversations consist of constant fights with an attitude of "my needs are more important than yours," then this is a warning signal. The needs of each partner are equally important. If your partner uses threatening behavior or screams or shouts constantly to meet your goals, then this is a sign of a toxic relationship.

In short, the subtle manipulation of a toxic relationship will end your self-esteem and your sense of worth. You may end up believing all the negative labels that your partner says about you. He or she usually knows your weak points and will press the buttons when possible. The longer you stay in a toxic relationship, the harder it can be to quit because of your lesser sense of worth. Only you can change this situation. The best decision you can make for your well-being is to ask for professional help and leave a toxic relationship as soon as possible. You are an adult and you are responsible for taking good care of yourself. You deserve a fabulous relationship. Deserves a loving and supportive couple.

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1 comment:

  1. Very informative and impressive post you have written, this is quite interesting and i have went through it completely, an upgraded information is shared, keep sharing such valuable information. Signs of a toxic relationship
