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3 Smart Ways to Find Your Career Passion

What do you say when someone asks you "How to Find Your Passion in Life?" How do you know if an interest is a true passion with professional merit or just a passing fantasy? And why is it important?

finding your career passion

Sometimes, a passion is just a small spark that tells you: you are on the right path. Sometimes it's something you can do for hours and suddenly time has just passed. Passion can be many things and it differs for each person. Most of the time we have a good idea of what our passions are and which of them could become a professional opportunity. For many, however, a clear passion may not be evident when we decide to start a business, change careers, change companies or simply infuse new energy into obsolete work.

When that is the case, there are three exercises that can help you clarify what your passions are:

View Additionally: Career Passion

Follow the Books. Go to your local bookstore or library and spend some time perusing the store's themes to see where you naturally gravitate. You will find those subjects that really appeal to you are your passions. Maybe you tend to go to the music section. Maybe you spend a lot of time looking at gardening books. You really start to observe your patterns and your behaviors in the bookstore or library and see what you start looking for what kind of books you want to buy or buy.

When you get home, see if you can read the whole book and want to dig deeper to get more information on that topic or topic. That sustained level of interest is a good indication of where your passion may be.

See time Think about the last time you spent the day doing an activity and time just flew by. It could have been an occasion when you went out to the garden to pluck some weeds and eight hours later you were still digging, planting and just being part of nature. Maybe you went to the music store to pick up a new CD or some new score and three hours later you were still there.

There are many different ways in which you can spend your time and it is in those moments when you really feel at peace, those moments that make you happy, those moments that really align all your energies that are possible directions that your career could take.

Ask Somebody. Ask your friends and family what you're good at, it's that simple. If they tell you, you're a good listener, maybe a life coach is something you should consider. If you are really good with animals, maybe you can do something in that area. If you are good at spreadsheets or helping people with their finances, maybe a career that helps companies with their books is an address you could take.

Career Passion

Everyone has a special gift that is given to them and it is up to you to determine what that gift is and how they are going to bestow it on the world. So ask your friends, family, and co-workers what is good and then take stock of their own traits, behaviors, and patterns. Look at what you are good at, hen people gravitate towards you when you feel that people are relating to you in a positive way, that is, moments when a central passion is shown.

  • Once you define some areas of passion, the next step is to identify how they could perform professionally:
  • Observe the different traits that you have in the workplace and how a passion could amplify that.
  • What possible opportunities are there to turn a passion into a paid job?
  • Are there companies that support your passion that you could work for or work with?
  • Could you put your passion in your current work by presenting a new group, cause or project?
  • In what industries do your passions fall and what are the opportunities within them?

If you love beauty products, you can join a direct sales company that sells skincare and cosmetic products. If you are enthusiastic about helping children from developing countries, look for companies that join around that cause. If you love running, start a running club at work. Really think big. There is a need for the passion you have to offer the world. Start with that passion and it will always guide you in the right direction.

Also Checkout: Finding Your Career Passion

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