Here are 10 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is Extremely High
Do you always feel hungry? Or you are continuously gaining some weight despite being on diet? Or do you have stomach problems frequently? If you think you experience these symptoms, there is a chance that you might be having high blood sugar symptoms.
High blood sugar is not anything that only diabetics should worry about. The bitter truth is that anyone can be a victim of high blood sugar level due to the intake of certain foods which are high in sugar content. It is also not only about the intake of food like candy, sodas, or sweets but the real danger starts when the sugar level stays high for much longer than it should that can cause many serious health problems.
The amount of glucose indicates the sugar levels in the blood which is also a source of energy for the human body. This condition can lead to many other problems and complications like heart disease, kidney problems, loss of vision or nerves being damaged. These symptoms can be very sneaky, which results in you not knowing the disease right in time and it remains untreated. If you know the high blood sugar symptoms or you get to experience them on daily basis then it is the time when you take necessary steps to take control of the situation. Here are the signs that your blood sugar level is high.
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1. You are Peeing Non-Stop:
When you experience increased urination it is a definite sign that your blood sugar level is going out of control. When there is high sugar content in the bloodstream, the kidneys try to remove the extra sugar via urine. In result in experiencing peeing more than usual, also waking up in middle of the night just to pee. All because you are losing fluids through excessive urine you will also feel thirsty all the time and your mouth will stay dry for most of the time.
2. You are Thirsty Like Crazy:
When you pee more than usual it means that you are losing water more excessively which can be a cause of dehydration in yourself. Some people also feel hungry or may experience a sudden loss in weight which explains that the cells in the body are not getting the right amount of sugar which is necessary for them. Even if you are drinking the right amount of water and still you feel thirsty it is a definite sign that you are experiencing high blood sugar in your bloodstream.
3. You Feel Exhausted:
If your cells do not get enough glucose they feel starved of energy which results in being lazy. When the blood gets thicker because of high blood sugar, the heart has to do the extra job in pumping the blood which results in delivering the nutrients to the cells more slowly throughout the body. This situation results in you being tired all day as when you pee more often your body secretes sugar out of your body and you are out of essential nutrients.
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4. Your Vision is Blurry:
The macula is something like a small lens in the center of your eye that is responsible for your vision. If your sugar level is high, the fluid can reach into the lens and make it swell up. This swelling can cause the shape of your lens to change and you are not able to focus properly. Hence, your vision remains unclear and foggy even if you have your glasses on.
5. Your Gums Start Bleeding:
The bacteria which feeds on sugar, which causes your cuts to heal slowly are responsible for messing up with your gums as well. This results in swollen gums which becomes tender and bleeds when you floss or brush. It is common that your blood can fight the infection causing germs in your mouth but the rise in blood sugar can make your mouth a breeding ground for bacteria.
6. Weird Patches on Skin:
High blood sugar levels can cause damage to the blood vessels especially those which are under the skin. This damage can cause the appearance of reddish brown patches on your skin, more likely on your lower legs which results in much pain and can cause itchiness too. High-level blood sugar can cause the skin cells to reproduce at a faster pace than normal. The production of new cells can cause the cells to have more pigments which result in dark patches.
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7. You Have Pain in Your Extremities:
A condition called peripheral neuropathy can cause numb toes and tingling fingers which results because of high blood sugar level. Damage to extremities can cause a range of symptoms like burning or shocking pain. If you control your sugar level, such pain can be prevented but if the pain has prolonged for several years or go for quite some time then it probably won't go away.
8. Infected Feet:
People have high blood sugar level can lose sensitivity in their feet that is from the toes to heel. Any injury small or big can become a major problem for you. To protect yourself from further damage you need to control your sugar level constantly or keep it in check daily.
9. It Puts a Crimp in Your Sex Life:
Having difficulty in the erection or experiencing an orgasm is a sign of high blood sugar levels. Excessive sugar in the bloodstream can damage your nerves and blood vessels that have a crucial part in making sex more joyful. Many men with high blood sugar level may experience erectile dysfunction because of damage to blood vessels. They can also have a problem with retrograde ejaculation which is a condition in which semen travels through bladder rather than through tip of the penis. Not only men have problems because of high sugar in blood but also women experience dryness in vaginas or loss of sensation in the genital area.
10. It Messes With Your Gut:
The nerves which control the body functions like digestion are prone to high blood sugar levels. People can experience constipation or diarrhea. It can also lead to gastroparesis, a condition where moving slowly or stops moving which can cause nausea. Vomit and such condition demands the immediate control of blood sugar level.
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