The Millionaire Mindset: How Self Made Millionaires Think
Do you dream of getting rich someday, but you're not sure how to do it?
There is a myth that rich people are born with an innate talent to fight for excellence and think creatively, but everything is nonsense! Being a self made millionaire is not about having more than one million in your bank account. It's about the mindset that creates wealth for you. In the same way, it is the mentality (the incorrect one) that prevents him from being a rich person. Think about it ... why when some people win a lot of money in a lottery, they go back to the starting point and they go bankrupt within a couple of years? It's because they never learned the mentality of a millionaire. So, how much money you have now does not determine your future financial status. Your future depends on your thinking; It is about changing your psychological focus towards money, success, and happiness.
When you think of the word 'millionaire', what image flashes in your mind? For many, it's a striking type of guy who lives an ultra-luxurious lifestyle, travels in a private plane, and so on. Surprisingly, typical millionaires are not the image that Hollywood and the media, in general, have created. Many self made millionaires of the modern era work full-time, live in middle-class homes and shop at discount stores like ordinary people. They are not driven by the material possessions that money can buy. What drives them is the power to make decisions; It is about the 'freedom' to make any decision! For example, being able to leave a job they do not like or send their children to the school of their choice.
The number of millionaires has almost doubled in the last decade! Every time there are more people who get rich. Millionaires are becoming billionaires! Maybe, many people are living the good life, so why not? Anyone can become a millionaire, but ask the millionaire mentality: how self-made millionaires think that they can also help them get there! Millionaires have more in common among them than just their bank accounts, it's their way of thinking. Although, becoming a self made millionaire is not easy, adapting your way of thinking can put you on the right track. That is how-
1. Whatever You Think, You Bring
The beauty of being human is that you can reason and you can choose your thoughts. Thoughts become your actions and actions that lead you to your reality. So, if you are poor, that is YOUR choice. Maybe you think that it is not possible to be a millionaire because you do not have the skill set, the capital, the education, etc. But most self-made millionaires did not have any of these, either. Self-made millionaires want to have a lot of money and earn while doing what they most like to do. They think of multiple ways that they can attract money.
View Additionally: How to Become a Self Made Millionaire Even If You Aren’t One
2. The Universe Does Not Give You Money
Do not make the mistake of waiting for the universe to give you wealth if that were the case you were born rich! If you are not rich, it only means that wealth is something that you must CREATE with creativity and hard work. The first step is, of course, the mentality that generates wealth. Self-made millionaires know that they MUST work harder than others. They do not wait for luck. They make a strong plan on how they will make things happen and execute it. They take a big 'calculated' risk (it could be anything) and, therefore, reap rewards.
3. Chase Everything Except Money
The idea of being a self made millionaire sounds great, but most millionaires believe that chasing money will not get you anywhere. All of them have pursued 'something' in their lives and the money came as a reward. What would you do if you were already a millionaire at this time? What are your talents? And are you trained/educated enough to do your job excellently? Understand that money will always be a fruit of your hard work. You must be productive and give results. For example, walking under the hot sun is a LOT of hard work but it will not make you a millionaire.
4. Stop Spending, Start Investing
If your goal is to earn a million dollars and buy an expensive car, you will not be a millionaire for a long time. Millionaires have the importance of investing in the place of spending. They earn to save and not just to spend. They earn to keep and not fly their hard earned money by buying expensive items. They know that the money if saved today, can serve a mayor tomorrow. In addition, the millionaires who made themselves reinvest the money they earn. And they use it even more to create new opportunities to be more successful.
5. Strive to Achieve Success on a Daily Basis
Earning in abundance means that you have a lot of knowledge about your work, in addition, a great passion to learn new things and improve your skills. These successes are not something you practice once in a blue moon, but they are meant to be part of your daily routine. Self made millionaires are passionate about learning and reaching new heights. Just as a child is excited to learn something new in his favorite subject, YOU must have that passion to excel no matter what gets in your way: emotional traumas, financial setbacks, or whatever.
6. Live Well Under Your Means
This is something that should have been read times, but this is THE golden rule. But, why is it like this? When you work hard enough to buy that Ferrari, you DESERVE it, right? Well, that's your decision, but millionaires do not work that way. The reason behind this golden rule is: gradually, a person begins to spend more money than he earns. Therefore, true self-made millionaires do not spend more than they earn. As simple as that. As a matter of fact, as parents, they do not pay for everything. They give their children a monthly allowance and that's it. Here we cultivate the habit of "smart spending" and "saving" themselves, as well as their children.
As you can see in the previous list, just wanting to be a millionaire is not enough. Self-made millionaires have a different mindset and most live a special lifestyle before earning all that money. By doing some things from the things listed above, you can also put yourself on the right track to achieve more!
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