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Seven Universal Life Lessons

We are all here for Lessons Learned in Life, evolving towards wiser and purer human beings. As we learn our lessons we feel happier, lighter, more expanded, but more humble. We recognize that everyone is on a journey to fulfillment and enlightenment and that this journey is not easy but is full of obstacles, obstacles, and problems, big and small. It is in overcoming these things that we move on to another level until eventually, we reach what many have called "enlightenment". We all have some lessons that are unique to us. For example, the lesson of saying No or learning to establish clear boundaries (see My personal limits). There are also several universal lessons of life that all humans must learn in this journey of ours.

life lessons

Lesson 1: Learn Not to Judge.

We have no right to judge anyone, including ourselves. We do not know what the other person is learning on their trip, or what they are here to teach us on our trip. Sometimes, the most annoying and frustrating person in our life teaches us our best lesson. It takes a lot of sand and sand to create a pearl.

When we look at others and judge them, we judge ourselves. They are reflecting what is happening in us. When we do not want to accept the dark side of ourselves, we point the finger at others: "Look at her, how can she do that, how can she be so selfish?" By projecting our hatred and judgment outward, we avoid and deny internal reality.

Then, release the judgments. Break free. While you reign in judgment, you will feel free. Every time you make a statement of prosecution or think of another person (or yourself), just remember to let it go. Replace it with silence or a positive thought or affirmation. Look how it makes you feel. At first, it will seem strange, but as you break the habit of judging, you will feel lighter, freer and more positive and loving.

lessons learned in life

Lesson 2: Learning to Love.

Look at the spark of light inside you and every person you meet. This is our soul/spirit inside. We were all spiritual beings before choosing to come to earth in human form. As spiritual beings, we were and are exquisite. If we could take a look at how amazing we are in the spirit! Try to look deeply into someone's eyes and see if you can feel their soul. The eyes are the window to the soul. The more you look, the more you will see the spirit inside. Be it the beggar on the street, a child playing in the park or an old man in a nursing home; the beautiful, the deformed, the intelligent, the mentally disabled, the overweight, the anorexic, the schizophrenic ... whoever he is, whatever his shell, in the depths of them there is a soul.

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This is what we are being asked to love. It may not be easy to love the careless beggar, the schizophrenic or the grumpy old man; look for the soul within them and love that. Recognize that you took on a difficult task, choosing to come to this world in your current form and live a life with obstacles and challenges that you or I do not have to endure.

Lesson 3: Learning to Give (serve, help, nurture, teach).

We live in a narcissistic culture that prides itself on selfishness and greed. But we all know deep down that happiness comes from surrendering. Even the richest know the satisfaction that comes from giving to others. We all have talents, gifts, and skills that we can use to bring happiness to others. Whatever you do in life, do it with all your heart, as you do for a king. If it is a profession such as nursing or teaching or engineering, or a low-level job such as garbage collection or house cleaning, give it totally of yourself. You are important to the general scheme of this world. All the parts are necessary for it to flow smoothly. What would we do without people willing to pick up our garbage? How would we survive without those dedicated to cleaning the bathrooms? Recognize that your role is important, valuable and essential. Then it gives freely

Giving freely does not mean enabling. Each person must learn their own lessons. If we launch too fast and save someone from the consequences of their behavior, we are enabling. That is not useful or necessary.

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Giving freely does not mean martyrdom either. Give from a pure heart, not from a place of resentment or obligation.

Lesson 4: Learning to Forgive.

Leave the past behind. If you want forgiveness, then forgive others. I'm sure you have needed forgiveness at one time or another. You have wronged someone, hurt them or spoken harshly, treated someone coldly or turned away and then felt bad, guilty maybe, and wanted their understanding and forgiveness. Do the same for others. They are human too. Yes, there are situations when it is harder to forgive, like abuse as a child. But the opposite of forgiveness is holding on to anger, resentment, and bitterness. Lesson 6 talks about negative thoughts and how they can fester within us and create illness. This is what you need to let go of. This is why forgiveness is necessary. The consequence to yourself is too great not to forgive.

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Lesson 5: Learning to Live in the Present.

This moment is all we have. It is all that is guaranteed. The past is finished. The future is unknown. We have no control over either. Yet we waste so much time and energy worrying about the future and fuming about the past. Let it go. Live for this moment. Enjoy what is happening right now. Make plans, but don't live for tomorrow. Live for today. As you wake up each morning, be grateful that you are given another day to learn more lessons.

You are given more chances to get on track, to live more honestly and openly, to love more, and to give more. Then set your mood for the day, by holding your hand over your heart and thinking about 4 things that make you feel warm inside: the smile of your two-year-old, the roses growing in your garden, snorkeling in Maui, a hug from your mother. This is living in the present. Experiencing emotions. Loving others. Giving of ourselves. Being who we are meant to be. Living our truth. Noticing what is around us. Being grateful for all that we have. Knowing that all is well. If tomorrow doesn't come for us, we can be ready for that, by living each day in the moment.

life lessons

Lesson 6: Learning to Respond, not React.

Do you get upset by what others say or do to you? When you feel hurt, angry, irritated or scared by what someone has said or done, do you say or do things to punish them? Remember they are your teacher. Your life is about you, not them. One of the hardest lessons to learn is how not to be affected by another person's emotions. If someone is angry and lashes out at you, whose emotions are we dealing with? Theirs, right? Do you want your own emotions to be controlled by someone else? That's what you are doing if you lash back with the same anger that was dished at you. Let the other have their anger. Do not allow anyone to stir up your emotions. You take charge of your own emotions and let others own theirs.

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What does it mean to respond, not react? Reacting is allowing our emotions to be dictated by someone else. Responding is thinking first and deciding from a higher self-perspective how to be in different situations. If someone yells at you, your reaction would be to yell back. To respond would involve staying centered and reminding yourself that they can't make you feel anything. Hold on to your personal power and speak from that place when you respond. Perhaps you say something like, "Please don't yell at me. Let's discuss this in a civilized way." You become a master, not a victim. It feels so much more empowering.

Lesson 7: Learning to Focus on the Positive.

Guard your thoughts. Focus on the good, uplifting and positive in everything. Flee from negativity. If we only knew how powerful our thoughts were, we would be so much more diligent in what we think and believe. Quantum physics has demonstrated that if we focus positive thoughts on water as it freezes, the result will be beautiful intricate ice particles. Prayer is focused thought. Meditation, Reiki, visualization are all based on focused thought.

Read More: Lessons Learned in Life

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